HOLY WEEK (LENT 2024) – DAY 36 – Tuesday – Jesus finishing well

I was struck today as I was reading the passage in the Gospel of Luke that corresponds to Tuesday of Holy Week (Luke 20:1-40).

What was Jesus doing just days before His upcoming torture and crucifixion? He was TEACHING in the Temple! From the passages, it would appear He taught on Palm Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at least. Multiple days are mentioned.

He wasn’t feeling sorry for Himself. He wasn’t throwing pity parties at the J-town Day Spa! He was teaching about the Kingdom of God knowing very well that He upcoming atoning death was the very thing that would open the door for people to enter that very Kingdom.

He knew that most people in Jerusalem were still rejecting Him – rejecting His message and His Messiahship! He had been weeping over the city the day before for this very rejection of Him.

I was challenged that Jesus was undeterred despite circumstances that He knew were going to be unlike anything He’d ever experienced.

As this week carries on, and I experience more weakness due to fasting, may I recall how Jesus was living in the most difficult week ever lived.

For such a time as this…

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